Pièces Spintronics
Spintronics pour l’enseignement
Debería ser obligatorio que todos los profesores de física, electricidad o de circuitos tuviesen uno en su clase. La verdad es que me gusta más a mi que a mis hijos. De momento… Un juego muy logrado
The kits are well put together, sturdy, and fun. The comic book story is also a good read.
Spintronics Act One
We bought Spintronics Act One and Two for our grandsons aged 9 and 12. They are having fun trying everything out in the set and I expect them to keep on discovering new ways to use it for years to come
. Well made, intriguing, and good customer service with prompt shipping.
I got this for my grandson's eighth birthday. He was pretty much instantly enthralled, making things up on his own. He could have stayed up all night playing with it.
Great for children and adults. Clear instructions, challenging quests, perfect to stimulate children’s curiosity about mechanics.
My almost 8 year old who has been obsessed with electricity since he saw his first light bulb is very engaged, able to work through the examples mostly on his own. Seems like he’s understanding more if not everything.
This has been a great addition to the STEM games for my child. Great artwork and the puzzle book is awesome.
I've always fantasized about ways electricity could be taught using real world models, like using water in clear pipes, but it always seemed out of reach. Then someone showed me Spintronics and I was gob-smacked. The audacity, cleverness and ingenuity of the Spintronics designers is astounding. Spintronics aught to be part of the curriculum in every classroom! (Besides all of that, Spintronics is downright fun to play with too!)
les trois coffrets ont trouvé rapidement l'intérêt d'un jeune de onze ans, et partagé avec un adulte. choix confirmé